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The MIC Team

MIC is people. If you're interested in being one of our people, openings are posted here.
Let's start meeting the Team with our founder & leader, then all our partners in crime.

The MIC Interns

I introduce you to the heart and soul of MIC,
the most passionate interns from across the globe.

*Class of Spring 2024 graduated - new class coming soon*

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The MIC Hall of Fame

Big thanks to all of you, MIC interns across the years, on this page, and beyond.

Aenean tellus urna, vehicula quis quam vel, finibus sollicitudin quam maecenas mollis risus eu purus faucibus efficitur.

contact us

Aenean tellus urna, vehicula quis quam vel, finibus sollicitudin quam maecenas mollis risus eu purus faucibus efficitur.

chat with us

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send us an email

Etiam tristique, metus pretium rutrum elementum, risus tortor euismod urna.

give us a call

Etiam tristique, metus pretium rutrum elementum, risus tortor euismod urna.